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香港中文大學專業進修學院「素描及繪畫文憑」「中國水墨畫高等文憑」畢業,並曾留校任教。現為KIN ART藝術總監,創作涉及中西藝術媒介。

水墨畫作品屢次獲獎及入選大展。其中水墨畫作品「裏裏外外伍」奪得「2018年大華銀行年度水墨藝術大獎」金獎,於香港K11 ATELIER及Art Central 2019、新加坡PARKROYAL on Beach Road展出,並被大華銀行收藏。

作品入選國際藝術大展 "INK GLOBAL 2017"及"INK GLOBAL 2021", 成為全球500水墨精英之一


Wong Wai Kin is a Hong Kong contemporary Chinese painting artist and a professional cartoonist who has published multiple best selling comic series. In addition, he had taught several art-related advanced diploma programmes in the School of Continuing and Professional Studies at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.


Wong's artworks have been selected into numerous museums and exhibitions both nationally and internationally, including   Po-Hua Art Museum, Foshan Shijingyi and Liuziying Couple Cultural Art Museum, "Ink Global 2017, 2021", K11 ATELIERS, Art Central 2019 Hong Kong, PARKROYAL on Beach Road, Singapore, and "ART by AMERICA 2015 JURIED EXHIBITION, A National Review of Two- Dimensional Contemporary Art", Chicago.


On the other hand, Wong has also won multiple well-recognized art competitions, including "International Contemporary Art Competition Miami 2017, Finalists in painting", gold medal in the "2018 UOB Art in Ink Awards Competition", Champion for "All Win for OSH - Sharing and Caring Stamp Design Competition, 2018", "Hong Kong Human Right Art Prize 2020", and champion for "2021 Olympic Day Drawing Competition".

© Wong Wai Kin. All rights reserved.

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